
 empower graphs using abstractions

is the Katalyxer patent-pending new paradigm enabling abstractions in entity-relationship models to build multidimensional semantics.

At SEMANTiCS 2022 in Vienna, we presented the first framework based on metIdea:

"Using metIdea™ to add a polysemantic capability to Microsoft SQL Graphs"

Katalyxer presents the application of his technology metIdea™ to manage the complexity of pharmaceutical knowledge bases, abstract knowledge graphs, and enterprise data semantic domain.

The examples presented are based on the metIdea™ extension on Microsoft SQL Server Graph, thanks to his hybrid technology that permits extended functionality such as enhanced modeling, DB persistence, and programmability. 

The first example is a pharmaceutical knowledge base using our technology to add abstractions to manage causations, complex interrelations, and metastable modeling.

In the second case, we add abstractions to the paintings archive to manage the complexities of the meanings in art.

The final example is using abstractions to create a meaningful semantic domain to bridge knowledge graphs and accounting databases.

Abstraction [ ab-strak-shuh n ] noon  

the capability to move from facts and events to the semantic (the quality to deal with ideas rather than events or facts)


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